Wednesday Weekly Roundup

So last week I wrote less than 10k, but then, I was traveling again. Although I did bring the Netbook, when you travel it’s hard to find that special space to write, especially if you’re also seeing friends and socializing!

I was in London and managed to meet a few awesome writer and non-writer friends. I lurked at SPFlive and managed to talk to Kevin Tumlinson of D2D about some things that bothered me about the merging with Smashwords and the Apple audiobook, and even picked his brain for advice on some covers for upcoming titles – thanks, Kevin, I think I nailed them now!

I also saw Damon Knight of BookFunnel who ever recognized me from 2018… and even Craig Martelle, of IASFA and 20BooksTo50K fame, remembered me and my pink hoodie from Edinburgh in 2019! I guess I made quite an impression! 🙂 Good or bad? I’d rather not ask.

I also chatted with other indie authors and met with old friends and of course couldn’t come back without a batch of DVDs! So far I watched the one I entered Fopp for, What’s Love got to do with it – which I loved, it made me laugh and cry as expected!

Then I watched It’s Complicated and loved it as much as the other 3 Nancy Meyers movies I’ve seen so far. The other two are action movies (John Wick 4 and Bullet Train), so I probably won’t have much to say about them… I probably can guess why I bought them anyway! 😉

I’m done with the project I did so much traveling for, so I don’t have much hope for many words written this week, because I’ll be writing short stories and wearing the publisher’s hat in the mornings (although I had to keep it on most of the day on Monday).

More extended publishing news on the publisher’s page, but you have to have to have to see the awesome new covers for ten lucky Silvery Earth titles! Do you sound like a broken record? Yeah, I know… what do you mean you don’t know what I mean? I’m old, okay? I grew up in the age of the typewriter, vinyl records and audio cassettes!

Anyhow, with special thanks to the awesome cover artist, Shafali Anand, I give you the new Silvery Earth covers!

And that’s all for today! Have a great week!

Wednesday Weekly Roundup

Last week I ended up writing a little over 10k, not really as much as I was hoping, but I don’t seem to be back in the writing mood yet. DayJob keeps getting in the way and I keep finding excuses… Bad Barb! Finish this and get back to writing! Now! You have a novel to finish ASAP!

Ahem, sorry. I even re-watched Amadeus after the trip to Austria and was reminded how he was a one-draft composer (at least according to the movie), which reminds me I am a one-draft writer too – I’ve had enough of Rewriting Hell when I had a writers group – so it was a nice kick in the pants.

And after the gentle reminder, I decided to anticipate the bulk update on all my paperbacks. The email arrived almost immediately, although it does say that the new list prices can take a week or so to display in the Amazon Store.

I’m not sure what the increase in pricing is, and I have too many paperbacks to check. And I haven’t checked the Curated Anthologies… maybe I should ask PubShare if they’re taking care of them!

Now I better go back to writing before I start berating myself again… 😀 Have a great week!

Sunday Surprise

And it’s a guest! And he has a book out! Yes, we’re not all lazy like me! 😀 People, let’s welcome and cheer J Andrew Corbett! Let’s see what he has to say, and don’t forget to check out his book! Ain’t it a neat cover (below)? Happy Sunday!

Where do you live and write from?

I live in Michigan in the middle of nowhere, a place called Munith.

What genre(s) do you write?

I started off years ago writing horror, but I’ve moved into science fiction / fantasy.

What does your writing routine consist of?

Most importantly, I can’t have on a radio or a television. Has to be nice and quiet to get started. After that, I usually read the last paragraph or two I wrote, then let the story come out.

What do you feel are your strengths as a writer? How have you developed these qualities?

To me, dialogue is what drives a story. Narrative is necessary, but I’m part of the “show me, don’t tell” me school of writing. The stories I write have been kicking around in my head for many years usually before they go down on paper. The characters become almost real to me as they flesh themselves out long before a sentence is ever written.

Where do you find your inspiration? Do you put yourself in your stories?

Some of my greatest inspiration has come from music. When you hear a song and you see a movie playing in your head… only it’s not a movie you’ve seen, but one you’ve created. Putting myself into my writing does happen. I’ll give a character a personality trait of my own (see Gaius gnawing on his thumb, for instance). It’s a way I heard of to endear your characters to yourself a bit more as a writer.

Outliner or improviser? Fast or slow writer?

I do try getting together an outline prior to writing, but it’s usually a very loose one. I know the ending, I know the beginning, but the characters will dictate the pacing and the path to get there. Sometimes I travel in a straight line; other times they travel elsewhere, like Sam and Frodo on the trek to Mordor. Flying the eagles to Mount Doom would’ve been a great idea, but think of all those stories we would have missed out on.

Once the story gets going, I tend to write pretty fast. Sometimes I’ll sit down at midnight and tell myself ‘Self, write for about an hour.’ Around four in the morning I realize that I’m ten pages into a great side story that I don’t want to stop and have to pry myself away.

Tell us about your latest book

Simple Tricks and Nonsense. The best way to summarize the plot: Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad survives an alien invasion. Fifteen million years passes. This is his story.

Ok, it’s a bit more detailed than that, but it’s the quick and dirty way I like to explain it. It’s a sci-fi story about an Empire that was formed under the best of intentions, but has become a mockery of what it stood for. I set out to tell the Julius Caesar story in space. Let’s hope it comes through in the writing.

“Laws followed for fifteen million years are disregarded by a demagogic Emperor in favor of remaining in power. With absolute control over the courts, he is only steps away from seizing power forever…

And forever is what it would be.

For a people who have conquered the stars, traveled to more galaxies than stars in the night skies, who have transcended mortality and made order out of a disordered universe, the sunset of everything they’ve ever known may be at hand. The enemy within is a far greater threat than the enemy without, and it falls upon a now disgraced hero to rise once more and combat the monster he helped to create at the beginning of time. Do you love a thing so much that you will help tear it down and remake it in its former glory? Or would you simply go along to get along? Traitor or hero, those words are defined solely by the victor.”

It can be purchased now at and on Amazon (link to .com).

Any other projects in the pipeline?

Simple Tricks and Nonsense is part one in a six book series. So yeah, there’s a lot of projects coming down the pipeline.

What is the best piece of writing advice you’ve ever been given?

Write for yourself, not for others.

Anything else you’d like to add?

To add to that last question, I’ve always written things that I wanted to see. When I find one other person who gets my vision and enjoys what I’ve written, it’s the best feeling in the world.





Wednesday Weekly Roundup

I hope you checked out the Cattatute bundle… Where else can you find so many cat stories all in one place? Read more about the 10 books in the bundle here, and make sure to click on each cover for a synopsis, reviews and preview of each book! 🙂

If you like podcasts, the D2D/Smashwords merging is on Joanna Penn’s blog, with Mark Coker and Kevin Tumlinson interviewed. I’m going to wait with the English titles until next month, and then we’ll see.

Last week I wrote a little over 10K by the weekend. It was finally the creative weekend, so I managed to finish the pencils of the strip, although now I have to ink and color it. I’m doing a shorter thing first, that should come out this week if everything goes according to plans.

Boy, I had missed spending a day and a half with someone else trying to pursue the same thing! 🙂 I posted videos on TikTok and Instagram, and I used her to have this picture taken of me and my paperbacks so far – the latest, in Italian, should have arrived by now, but not on Sunday when the photo was taken…

So, the pile is almost as tall as me, by the end of the year it should be taller! 🙂 Now, if you want to read on paper, take your pick! 🙂

This week I hope to wrap another project (of shorter works), so next week I can start on a novel – I already have chapter 1, but I still need to figure out the rest. I also need to edit a title in Italian this week, so I might not write much, but we’ll see.

And February is almost over… That’s all for today! Have a great week!

Wednesday Weekly Roundup

And the big announcement this week is… another storybundle! Cattatude is now live and it includes Otherside, my novella of cats and women. Find more info here.

If you haven’t read Otherside yet, go grab it for less than 1$ along with those other awesome books! Because the next big announcement is… the Otherside Books! Yes, in March and April (with possibly a couple of weeks off to travel) I will publish three short novels and a collection of stories exploring the steampunk world beyond the portals!

Book 1 is ready, but Book 2 and 3 + half of the short stories still need to go to Mighty Editor who is busy until the end of the month. And the acquisition of Smashwords by Draft2Digital means that I postponed publishing Book 1 until I have all three, in the hope that meanwhile I’ll have only one dashboard for the two distributors! 😉

This month I’m going to put out a couple of old Italian titles (revised, and that I will not translate into English), since those go only on Amazon and Kobo. The first is the original story I based Soul Thieves on, which means I went through the English version, if only to remind myself how it had evolved.

And, horror of horrors, I found typos, missing words, but mostly, a typo in the blurb! Which meant that I had to redo the paperback cover. Originally made with Createspace, you’d think it would be easy to change the cover, right? I mean, it went smoothly with other titles…

Well, not this time. Soul Thieves has a white cover, and they kept telling me there was no bleed. So if you have a white cover for a paperback, remember to frame it with a black line. Still missing Createspace, sigh.

Also, the previous cover template calculator no longer works, as I discovered while I prepared the Italian book. Now you need to go here, and it’s actually better than the previous one, since both the PDF and the PNG are the right size (the previous version had the PDF already cut, so when you uploaded it to KDP print, it was too small)!

So, between dealing with KDPprint for myself and Kobo for a friend, I didn’t write a word until Saturday – I could have started on Friday, but I had to check a few things, which means I found a couple of typos in the first chapters of Thief and I really should find time to go through all my paperbacks catching typo fairies, but where is the time?

Anyhow, during the weekend I managed to write a full story, though, and my wordcount is a little over 7K (the yearly total so far is 64K, so at 6 weeks it’s perfectly fine – I need to write 10K/week for 50 weeks to get to 500K).

The Sunday event was canceled because Khabi Lame was in Dubai (his manager probably forgot to tell him he had a signing event in Rome, LOL!), but then I read this article about being an aunt, so… say hello to PANK Barb, and Dear Nephew still loves her even if he couldn’t have his comic book signed! 🙂

That’s all for today! Have a great week!

Wednesday Weekly Roundup

Last week I got my 10K done, both in a new story (it’s probably the start of a novel, though, so I’m setting it aside for now) and in tinkering with the previous project. This week I’m moving on to another SFF subgenre, possibly to submit to magazines and anthologies, possibly because I want to write that stuff and get it out of my system now! 😀

David Gaughran has some updates, so go check them! I might do some advertising this year, more of the backlist than of new titles, but we’ll see. My brain is still quite slowed down by real life since things aren’t improving at all on this side of the world. Maybe a nuclear apocalypse would have been faster, LOL!

This is probably Dear Nephew’s week, since I saw him on Sunday, on Monday I took him to have his booster shot because both parents were busy, and next Sunday I’m taking him to a Feltrinelli bookstore to have his Khabi Lame comic signed.

Dear Nephew is not on TikTok, but he knows the influencer and watches his videos on YouTube (unlike his aunt/godmother who follows Khabi on TikTok). I read the comic too, and it’s funny, but my bookshelves are already full. I’m trying to get rid of some books, but I’m sure you know how hard it is! 😀

The week hasn’t started well, writing-wise, because I spent Monday revising the original Italian version of Soul Thieves – much shorter – and discovered on Tuesday that I did the blurb wrong, it’s the 22nd century, not the 21st!

So I had to change it everywhere, including the paperback back cover, so the afternoon was lost to that and checking another original Italian version for a possible rewrite. Sigh. And tomorrow half the afternoon will be gone to help my parents, so I guess I won’t write much this week.

And as soon as I finished updating documents (and found out that I had uploaded the wrong manuscript on a title on Smashwords, uh-oh!) I heard the new: Draft2Digital to acquire SmashwordsThe Smashwords announcement and Mark Coker’s blog post. Yay! One less to upload to!

At least that’s my first reaction. We’ll see how it goes for whoever is already on both… will they merge titles so there will be no duplicates? I haven’t had time to read all the FAQs yet, but we’ll see! 🙂

I guess that’s all for today… big announcement coming next week, so stay tuned! Have a great week!

Wednesday Weekly Roundup

Last week I wrote less than 7K, but I sorta kinda wrapped up the project and then I had to go through it, so no time to write anything else. And I decided that a short story should be incorporated in one of the novels, so I’m finishing this week.

Since I’m already at 26K this year, I’m not worried. I’m worldbuilding, so I need to go back and check I didn’t contraddict myself! 🙂 I hope to finish this week, and then I have a couple of shorts for anthologies that I’m itching to write before starting the next project (that I already started in short form, but it’s clearly the start of a novel, haha!).

I gave up the idea of a paperback of SKYBAND, because my computer crashes midway. When one must prepare a 330+ pages PDF with JPGs at 300dpi, one probably needs a younger computer or some other formatting program, LOL!

So, maybe in a few years. Meanwhile I ordered all my latest paperbacks, so I can post them here and brag a little. A friend of mine puts them in a pile and shows how tall it is next to him, so I might end up doing that – if someone bothers to come over and take the picture, that is.

Oh, wait, I have a digital camera, and it has the timer… I can probably do it on my own! 😉 I’ll decide when I get the last books. The pile of 11 years of paperbacks should be almost as tall as me (and I’m 1,79m or 5’8”) – almost! 🙂

I keep seeing videos of people thrown out of airplanes because they don’t want to wear masks, and I dread the moment I’ll have to take one again. I couldn’t catch Matrix Resurrections in English in Rome, so I thought “Maybe I should fly to London for a weekend”, like I do for Da Muse since his movies don’t come out in Italy, but then I saw the umpteenth crazy woman thrown out of a flight and went “Meh… maybe not. I’ll get the DVD.”

Eventually. Considering that I ordered one back in October, it was lost in the mail and resent at the beginning of December and I’m still waiting for it… sigh! Anyhow, I guess that’s all for today… have a great week!

Wednesday Weekly Roundup

And Happy New Year! In case you love paper calendars, be aware that the Silvery Earth Kids Calendar is still available in my Zazzle store – yes, I update it every year! There’s also mugs, face masks and other neat things there, in case you want to have a look! 🙂

Final wordcount for 2021 was 470K. Now, for this year’s goals… here goes, in this order!

  1. write as much as I can (if I reach 500K fine, if not, it doesn’t matter), having fun and exploring new places, probably as short stories first.
  2. draw more than I did last year – finish the strip and do a few more pencil portraits. Possibly start a new comic or continue Lady Ice, not sure which yet. Finish the strip comes first!
  3. publish whatever I finish – or send it to other publications if it doesn’t fit in any series or collection. But that’s really a third. I must try to keep my creative mind busy, so I won’t feel the DayJob stress too much.

And now, the first publications of the year! Vampires Through the Centuries Going Into the Future only on Amazon, because, like I said on the publisher’s page, I did the ebook only because I did the paperback. So the last two publications are now in KU. Those single stories are available everywhere elsewhere if you read only ebooks.

And my short story “An iCub on Mars” was accepted for Space Opera Digest 2022: Have Ship Will Travel! And looky look! I’m even on the cover! And yes, it’s still on pre-order, you will get it at the end of January so I’ll make sure to remind you! Meanwhile, here’s the editor:

Adventures among the stars need a ship to get you there.

Stories Rule Press presents Space Opera Digest 2022: Have Ship, Will Travel
Space Opera heroes and heroines explore the stars and discover cool new places in ships which range from beat-up rust-buckets to sleek technologically advanced craft that are the envy of the galaxy. Space ships are quintessential for the adventures and challenges our favourite characters face.
Come and explore over 400 pages of worlds of wonder and the ships our heroes fly with Stories Rule Press’ 2022 edition of Space Opera Digest.
Space Opera Digest 2022: Have Ship, Will Travel
is the second volume in a quarterly collection of genre fiction anthologies presented by Stories Rule Press.
“Sole Survivor” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
“Captain” by Stephen Sottong
“Big Top” by Sonia Orin Lyris
“Cycle Three” by Stephanie Mylchreest
“Star Cruise” by Ron Collins
“Watch of the Starsleepers” by Christopher D. Schmitz
“Tome Raiders” by Eric Del Carlo
“The Passenger” by Eve Morton
“An Ordinary World” by J. L. Royce
“Insanity is Infectious” by Cameron Cooper
“Achemar” by Jasmine Luck
“Moby Dick’s Doors” by Michèle Laframboise
“Learning Curve” by Neil Williams
“Exotic Matters” by Phil Giunta
“An icub on Mars” by Barbara G. Tarn
“Of Hedgehogs and Humans” by Rob Nisbet
“Smugglers Blues” by Blaze Ward
“Altered Skin” by Sara C. Walker
“An Unexpected Taste of Home” by Terry Mixon
“Symphony” by Douglas Smith
Space Opera Science Fiction Anthology
Stories Rule Press is a family-run micropress in Alberta, Canada, working as a cooperative to bring great story-tellers together and assist them with publication.
Editor Tracy Cooper-Posey is one of the original authors with Stories Rule Press. She writes across several fiction genres, including space opera under two different pen names, and grew up reading classic science fiction.


And that’s all for today… wishing you a Wonderful 2022! See you next week!

Wednesday Weekly Roundup

Are you done with your Christmas shopping? No? Good! Got a few suggestions for you! Buy or gifts books! I’m going to start with mine, because, hey, I’m a writer, right?

So! One of my stories is in Pulphouse #15 along with some other awesome authors, and it’s out now! Which prompts me to remind you my page of other publications that you should absolutely check out if you haven’t already!

Then there’s the collaboration anthologies that I curated, again with other authors. And then there’s me, my books, my series and all that jazz… I’m afraid there’s no discount going on, but yes, there is the last title of the year as well! Italian Women is now out in eBook and paperback for your reading pleasure! Please note that it’s NOT on Smashwords because despite the nuclear option the meatgrinder wouldn’t accept it, and kept telling me there were problems with footnotes.

Now to more recommendations, since I couldn’t find them all on Bookbub. Here are the books of fiction I loved this year! Links to Goodreads because above. Order in which I read them, not of favorites! 😉

Raziel’s Shadows (Angels and Djinns #1) by Joseph Robert Lewis

Like a Rock (Disorderly Elements #1) by Mason Winters, Olivette Devaux

Card Sharp Silver (a Cave Creek Novel) by Dean Wesley Smith

Life of a Dream by Dean Wesley Smith

Zombies Ahead by Z. Allora (adults only!!)

Undercover Star by Jackie Keswick

Laying the Music to Rest by Dean Wesley Smith

Fiction River Moonscapes

Widdershins by Jordan L. Hawk

Tamil Pulp Fiction, Volume 1

Mutable Things by Karen L. Abrahamson

The Popcorn Thief by Leah R. Cutter

Magic Today by Anna McCluskey

Black Mercury by Charlotte E. English

The Dream Thief by Kari Kilgore

Butterfly Stomp Waltz by Michael Warren Lucas

Silent Victor by J. Daniel Sawyer

Pockets of Darkness by Jean Rabe

And that’s all for today! Wishing you a wonderful Holiday Seaason! 🙂

Wednesday Weekly Roundup

Happy to announce I made full use of Books2Read new feature to add paperback links. Now not only my books have all the paperback links I could find under the same UBL – geotagged! – but also the Curated Anthologies have one link for all formats! Ain’t it neat? 😉 It took me some time because I have about 70 paperbacks + the anthologies, but I finally made it! 🙂

And in all this, I still managed to write 13K+ last week, which brings the yearly total to 406K, which is very good since I wasn’t expecting this much. I guess I spent too much time with shorter works and the day-off in between them, LOL! Now that I’m back to writing longer works it looks as if my writing streak has recovered!

I might still not make it to 500K, but I’ll be happy anyway. I also published the Future Earth Box Sets, in case you want to binge-read the series and get with a little discount (sorry, Tori!)… the whole series is set in the future, after the apocalypse of western civilization, although Before Future Earth Chronicles is set mostly in the 21st century. But that’s why it’s called “Before”! 😀


Box Set #1 (Books 1 to 5)
Raj and Bel travel around the world, a journey in search of more truths about the apocalypse, its survivors and the alien invasion.

Box Set #2 (Books 6 to 10)
Megan, Yollanda, Arjun, Azur and Shani continue the investigation after Raj and Bel have gone home, in the company of western vampires

Box Set #3 (Before Future Earth Chronicles + Book 11 and 12)
The complete collection of stories, prequels to the main series. From the arrival of the Phis’irs and their symbionts to the loss of control over Rainbow Towns, four centuries of future Earth history, concentrating on the apocalypse years.

Luke and the vampire war, Ahyoka travels to her father’s tomb.

And of course there’s the paperbacks as well, if you’re a fan of those, but I can’t create box sets with paperbacks yet, sorry!

There is barely a week left to grab the Visions of the Future Bundle! And check out the other great offers at Storybundle! Like the Nano Writing Tools (if you still believe you need to write only during NaNoWriMo and not during the whole year, LOL), or the Weird Fiction bundle.

I’ve been reading The Difference Engine more because it helps with my current worldbuilding than because I’m loving it. And because it was really cheap on Kindle. I had forgotten why I don’t like buy direct from the Zon – those damn highlights. I don’t care what other people highlight, and I checked, they’re turned off on KK (yes, I can still download on KK, the Wi-Fi works, it’s the connection to the laptot that is broken, hence I can’t copy whatever is on it or add anything, hence the New Kindle waiting to be used – when I’m done with what I have on KK, that is), but still they show up in this book. Annoying and distracting.

Anyhow, I’m trudging along. An unusual book for sure… Now I shall go back to my travel plans and my writing… Have a great week!