Writer Wednesday

No real writing last week, although I did start The Path of Dreams on Sunday, but I didn’t have time to type anything yet. One chapter down, but I don’t know the wordcount. Back on track today, though.

I slept at the Trinity College (the year of sleeping on campuses, and I didn’t even go to college or university, LOL!) and I walked all over the place because why not. I bought a rain poncho to protect myself and the backpack from the Irish rain, since I was outside more often than Edinburgh.

I went to three panels at Worldcon. One was cancelen, another I couldn’t get in. And the belly dance class lasted almost two hours instead of one. Boy, am I rusty! I should really do it regularly, my limbs coordination currently sucks. I better look for something in September…

Shoutout to the awesome bookseller Hodges Figgis who carried my books for five days and sold 6 out of 8! And I left the Moles anthology at the book swap, grabbing a novella in return that I read on the plane back – Genesis by S.E. Sasaki, quite a nice introduction to her world.

In Dublin I met with friends (both 20Books alumni and Italian friends, plus the woman who started me on Worldcons by suggesting I attend Chicon 7 and bought the last two books), explored the town (even with a Hop-on Hop-off bus to have a general idea), went to see Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and bought books, comics and DVDs.

Now I’m still quite shaken by the traveling (and guess who’s welcomed me back? The dreaded heat! AUGH!), but settling back in the routine. Still off day job until Sunday… Now hop off to the Infinite Bard for another free short story and have a great week!

Writer Wednesday

Last week I didn’t do much writing, but I consider myself inbetween projects. This week will probably have no writing at all, and it will resume next week when I come back from Worldcon. Not worried at all, since I’m already at 375K anyway (for those coming in late, my target is 500K a year). The next Paths novel should take me to 400K and then I have a few more to write before the end of the year.

The Mission #30 was written, sent and rejected in less than a week, but since it comes after the epilogue of the Team‘s missions, it shall be the first of volume 2, coming out next year whenever I write another 20something missions. This team is still growing on me, and they’re keeping the name anyway, even though they’re no longer lone wolves! 🙂

And Rogue is out too, so the Star Minds Lone Wolves books are complete for this year. I updated the series page, redid the lettering on the single books covers and adjusted the backend matter. Now I’ll have to do it for the other Star Minds books, but I will do it in September. I did do a new trailer for the series, though! 🙂

I also added the Lone Wolves to Drive Thru, as you can see from the “sidebar”, since I sold a SKYBAND Omnibus in their Comics shop, but every now and then I get a sale even in the Fiction shop. We’ll see if a banner or two will make the Star Minds Universe soar over there too! 🙂

I also started unpublishing things. I made a list and will take down 25 Silvery Earth titles, 12 Star Minds Universe and 5 others. It will clean up my retailers dashboard and allow me to update the rest with less junk.

I’m mostly taking down shorter titles or single stories that are included in collections. I’ve been told that short titles sink faster in Amazon charts, so I might as well get rid of them since they don’t sell anyway.

So here’s the cleaned up Star Minds Universe and Silvery Earth on Smashwords. I have unpublished also from Kobo, Amazon and D2D. It’s been a long hot weekend, sigh. Let me know what you think of the new presentation of Silvery Earth on the series page, though!

An interesting post on how science fiction is dying again – the Hopepunk Edition. Considering the bleak present, I should probably write something about my apocalypse… and my vampires live through it, so they might be the right ones to tell that story! 😉

Currently flying to Dublin for Worldcon, so will update next week when I get back… If you’re there too, and see me wandering around, come and say hello. I have no panels, so I’ll be in and out of the buildings. And the curated anthologies will be available at Hodges Figgis booth in the dealer’s room (it’s a local bookstore for non-Dubliners). Have a great week! 🙂


Writer Wednesday

If you see me bouncing this week it’s because the announced sale is finally out! My first professional publication! I might not be on the ebook cover, but I’m so proud and awed to be in such good company! Yes, I’m in Pulphouse #5, out now! 😀

When I got that email, I forgot about Himalayas and the Smashwords sale, as you can imagine! 😉 And I was so excited I postponed to the weekend listening to the narrators auditions for the next two audiobooks… but now two more are scheduled for production.

I also had time to write another 13K, but I have a fairly detailed outline, so I’m going very fast. I want to finish at least volume 1 of the Moren Empire this month, and it might turn out longer than usual (but it’s also 4 or 5 short books put together, haha!).

If I don’t make it, I’ll push the “30 stories in 60 days” to June and finish it in April. In the meantime I submitted another couple of shorts to traditional markets, although I like SFF fandom less and less. This year will probably be my last Worldcon, since my readers don’t seem to be attending members! 😉

And I have a few links today to share with you.  Indie sci-fi authors are upending traditional publishing, and it’s turned into a war. I am a member of the 20Books group, although I don’t earn much, and will attend the Edinburgh workshop/conference because it’s closer than Vegas and it also has the writing days. But I’m nowhere their results with sales, I still have to find my readers. Let’s hope that whoever started a couple of my series with the free books in the Smashwords sale (see above) will turn into fans! 😉

David Farland on when to stop polishing your manuscript with some good anecdotes from the past. Kris Rusch on priorities – have you made yours? I should probably push my health before my writing, since I don’t have a Dear Husband… although I’m married to Mr. Writing, so… conflicting priorities here… 😉

And the longest article, but worth reading and mulling over – 35 Hard Truths You Should Know Before Becoming “Successful”. I like #20 very much and write what I’d like to read, not chasing the latest trend… which might make it harder to find my readers, but well…

I have a couple more, but I shall leave them for Random Friday Rant! 🙂 Have a great week!

Writer Wednesday

And the new Silvery Earth Heroine is out to celebrate my forty years of writing. To write Angelica’s story, I gleaned my old diaries (not necessarily of the age she has). I’m not an ambassador’s daughter, but my father was a diplomat. I don’t have a literary salon (it’s based on the French salons of the 1600s), I’m not a scholar, but I do know quite a lot about the History of Silvery Earth, LOL!

Anyhow, not sure I’ll manage another title this month, but since this is longer than usual, has a nice appendix with the history of Silvery Earth and the stories chronology, I think it could last you a whole month. The awesome cover art is again by Federica Manfredi who gets better with every cover she does for me (as if she weren’t a professional already, LOL!).

The ambassador’s daughter has gone back to Noavaria. She’s fifteen, experiencing her first kisses and dreaming of her future as a writer. She has set her eyes on mysterious Rohan Tallisman.

The novelist has a literary salon in Konigtown, where she married Alexander de Fors. She’s twenty-five and still in touch with handsome professor Rohan Tallisman, slowly uncovering his true nature.

The scholar has gone to Agharek to translate an ancient diary. At thirty-five she sees the fall of the last kingdom of Varia and escapes with the deposed king, Kareem.

The Magical Races are all but gone and Angelica is determined to write down the full history of Silvery Earth without revealing the secret of Rohan Tallisman, her first love.

If you’re still looking for an agent, get off this blog immediately! 😉 Here’s another cautionary tale for you. Just don’t. Period.

If you were confused by Kris Rusch’s post on over capitalization and hamster wheels, here you have another take on how cash flow can work for a writer. Or you can come to the Business Master Class in Las Vegas where I’m sure this will be discussed. If only I didn’t live in a third world country where it’s impossible to “do business as”… *sigh*

And I got world from Worldcon! Happy to share their email below:

Dear Barbara G.Tarn,

Thank you so much for filling out our Programme Participant Query form. We will be sending Programme Surveys to everyone who would like to be considered for a place on the Dublin 2019 programme, with the first set of surveys being sent in October or November, at which time you will be receiving your survey.

Later this year, we will begin sending programme participant acceptances. In the meantime, please take a few moments to review the Dublin 2019 Programme Q&A. In addition, we also have a Code of Conduct that we are asking all of our potential programme participants to review as well. Finally, given our challenges with the European Union’s GDPR requirements, we would deeply appreciate your sharing the Programme Participant Query Form with others since this is the only way we are able to contact people, and we would like to include as wide a selection of participants as possible in the Dublin 2019’s programme.

Should you have any questions about programming, please don’t hesitate to contact us at programme@dublin2019.com.


Erin Underwood & Ian Stockdale
Co-Division Heads
Dublin 2019 Programme
Email: programme@dublin2019.com
Website: https://dublin2019.com/programming/

So if you plan on attending, join the program now! See you there! 😉 I’m sure I’ll have all the Star Minds Lone Wolves books out by then! 😀 Have a great week!


Random Friday

Before starting my two-weeks vacation break, I decided to use my Paypal balance to get myself new hoodies for next year Worldcon. The old one I had made in 2012 is no longer white and shiny, it’s high time for new garbs.

So off to Zazzle I went! I found the hoodies with new colors and odered 2, one with the same writing as the old one (Silvery Earth Fan) and the other with “Star Minds Universe a Science Fantasy Saga”. They said in a couple of weeks I should get them, which was perfect. There were a couple of bank holidays, but they weer Italian holidays and Zazzle is American.

So I happily hit that Buy! button and waited. And waited. And waited some more. The parcel was shipped April 24, three days after I placed my order, which is perfectly on time – gotta give them time to prepare the hoodies, right?

Then from April 25 to May 5 it was stuck somewhere in the US. Reached Europe on the 5th, shipped to SDA Poste Italiane on the 10th. Spent 5 days in Milan, then finally reached me on the 16th. Talk about 6-8 business days! 😦 3 full weeks! 😦

Anyhow, they’re here now, and since this May isn’t too warm yet, I’m using them already. They’re lighter than the old one and the logo is printed, not stitched. I plan to take them to 20Books Edinburgh (end of July 2019) and Worldcon Dublin (mid-August 2019) – if only the two events were closer, I’d spend the whole time in England and Ireland, but it would mean four weeks away from home and I can’t afford that.

The pink one is very flashy, so you’ll be able to see me from far away! Here’s a before-and-after pic – Chicon 2012 vs. future worldcons.

That’s all for today’s randomness… have a great weekend! 🙂

Random Friday

Sharing as suggested… I’ll be there! 🙂 And I do LOVE their logo!

Dear Barbara,

I want to thank you for your membership of Dublin 2019, An Irish Worldcon. We are working very hard to prepare an exciting convention for you, and are glad you are sharing it with us.

Although you are already an attending member of the convention, we wanted to keep you informed of our latest plans and upcoming prices. Perhaps you have friends or family who might be interested? Use this email to spread the word!

As you may have seen already, our prices increase on the 3rd of April at 00h01 Irish time, but acting now will lock in the current rates.

Finally, and applicable to everyone, we are an opt-in convention when it comes to public listings. For us to list you on our website or in our publications, you must ensure that you have filled in at least the Public First Name field. If you haven’t given us a public name, you won’t be listed. NB: Your public name can be your badge name. You can also use this process if we have your name wrong in our records and need to correct it.

You’ve supported Dublin 2019 by becoming an Attending Member of the convention. We can’t thank you enough for this, and are very much looking forward to welcoming you to Dublin in August 2019.

Have a lovely day, and wishing you the very best,
Dublin 2019, An Irish Worldcon

Random Friday

So, I’ve been reading the Hugo Nominees (too late to vote, of course, but I do try to read at least the shorter works. There’s no way I’m reading the novel finalists, but everything else I try to)… Short story, novella and novelette finalists. 3 Did Not Finish and only one in each of the three categories that I absolutely love (and after checking the Hugo Awards, one won the Hugo, deservedly so, yay!).

I loved:

“An Unimaginable Light”, by John C. Wright (God, Robot, Castalia House)

“Touring with the Alien”, by Carolyn Ives Gilman (Clarkesworld Magazine, April 2016)

Every Heart a Doorway, by Seanan McGuire (Tor.com publishing) which has an asexual protagonist and is the one that won the Hugo! 🙂

I was beginning to feel bummed because I didn’t like any of the finalists and though I’d never fing my readers among Worldcon goers, but then I found some gems, so… I have a little chance too. In a couple of years. When I sell another story, hopefully. The one I sent out at the beginning of August already collected 2 rejections, but they were nice rejections – the ones that say “not for us, but send us your next” kind of rejections, so there’s still hope to sell it somewhere.

So maybe next year I’ll have 2 professionally published stories and can run for the Hugos in 2019. One can dream, right? 😉 I won’t be disappointed if I don’t get nominated, and will go to Dublin anyway! 😀 By the way, if you want that one to be your first worlcon, it’s definitely cheaper than for returning people! 😉

Now I hope to get back to reading the novels in the bundles I’m in… looking forward to read everybody else’s work! 🙂 It’s been a drawing/reading week, but weekend I’m back to writing, or better, check that feedback from the first reader and address a couple of things before sending off to proofreader.

Have a great weekend! 🙂

Writer Wednesday

So! Worldcon report! The ups and the downs – day by day! 🙂

Day 1 (Wednesday Aug.9)

We had booked a tour of Suomenlinna fortress on an island off Helsinki’s shore, so we reached Messukeskus around noon. We got our badges , our program participant schedules and all that stuff. Having already eaten on the island, we wandered looking for rooms, the Green Room, the Art Show, the Traders room and all that other necessary exploration when entering a new place.

My friends attended the opening ceremony, but I just sat outside panel rooms, writing and studying the program. Too peopley in there, LOL! I got myself a Worldcon T-shirt Ladies size that had only 3 left – and in fact the next day it was gone (but then, everything was gone on the last day).

First panel was at 9pm, so at 5pm we went back to the hotel with tram #9 to rest for about an hour. Back to the con, we found the food hall closed or closing down except for Hesburger, that fed us for the rest of the convention! 😉 We went to the Green Room to meet with Eva, then we met the other panelist, Zack, only in the panel room.

And there went my first panel – Writers and Artists – moderated by Mighty Marvelous Maurizio Manzieri! He had prepared a wonderful presentation, pity I had forgotten what images I had given them and what I was supposed to say about each, but at least I didn’t stammer and it was over pretty quickly.

A group hug and then we looked for the exit, since by now Messukeskus was closed and we were too tired to go to the party in the Winter Garden of the Holiday Inn attached to the convention center. Someone kindly pointed us the exit and we got back on #9 and to the hotel.

Day 2 (Thursday Aug.10)

Since the food hall looked so expensive and we had found a supermarket near the hotel, this time we went shopping at Lidl before jumping on #9 a couple of stops before our hotel. I went to a panel on Asexuality in SF, then went back to the hotel around 2.30pm to rest.

I went back to Messukeskus around 4pm, and then spent most of the time in the Green Room, waiting for the other panelists. One bowed out and sent a replacement, the others soon joined me in the Green Room.

At 6pm it was European SF panel with Kristina Hard (Sweden), Ju Honisch (Germany), Francesco Verso (Italy) and a young Dutch writer standing in for Thomas Olde Heuvelt. Again, I’m afraid I wasn’t very clear and my have not answered a couple of questions, but I was the only one writing in English, the others didn’t felt confident enough and preferred relying on translators.

What I mean to say is that I write in English because of the millions of people who know English, either as first or second language, NOT because I want to break into the American market – as was suggested by some douchebag in the audience. And even though I hadn’t planned on putting links here, since this is about international markets, I’ll link to Joanna Penn’s guest post on publishing outside your home country.

We had dinner at… yes, Hesburger again, and then the others went to the Irish party and I headed back to the hotel. Not too fond of beer, but I drank a lot of cider! 😉

Day 3 (Friday Aug.11)

So, this was supposed to be my day in the Creators Alley. I had already posted on Facebook and announced everywhere that I’d be at N4, but no, I was moved to K9, at the bottom of the hall, where nobody came. Nobody showed up and I barely recouped the cost of the table.

Thank God Judith joined me after lunch time, so the afternoon went  faster – and she gave away all the flyers to download Sci-fi July for free. By the way, if you have one of those, there’s still time. I made 50, but so far only 1 person has downloaded the bundle, so there are still 19 people who can get it for free.

I know, it’s valid only for BundleRabbit, but come on. You get 11 novels for free if you sign up for a site that has plenty of great bundles! 😉 Don’t be lazy and use your coupon now! 😀

Since I didn’t want to bring any dead tree book back, I left them on the Bookcrossing shelves. They were gone the next morning, so I hope someone is enjoying them somewhere. One person said “There are so few books in English, you’ll sell them all” except nobody found me, so I sold 4 and gave away 11…

After dinner at the usual place, everybody went to the Hugo Awards ceremony, but I went back to the hotel, hoping to catch up on some sleep…

Day 4 (Saturday Aug.12)

Again shopping for food before heading for Messukeskus. Maurizio had a table in the Creators Alley – much better placed than I was – but I spent most of the time in the Fan Alley, writing. I’ve got a novel to finish, LOL! Now that I’ve typed everything in, I can tell you I jotted down 1100 words of revisions + 5500 words of new chapters, longhand, since I didn’t bring any laptop.

At 5pm I went to the Strange and Unusual Helsinki walking tour that ended in the Steampunk pub because the storm started before we could get to the Bollywood pub (that I assume was across the square, but well…) since “the worst storm in 10 years” scared everyone inside that pub.

I found my way to the metro and when I came out 2 stops and 30 minutes later, the storm that was supposed to last 2 hours was already over. Damn Finnish. We get that every year in Rome – it rains for 5 to 20 minutes, pouring cats and dogs, and then it stops.

Anyway, there were still clouds in the sky, so no meteor shower that night…

Day 5 (Sunday Aug.13)

Maurizio had another half day of table in the Creators Alley. I spent most of the time in the Fans lounge again, and then Fulvio saw George RR Martin sitting there, chilling out… so the cat caught the martin and I went to Maurizio, knowing he wanted to meet The George, and told him where his hero was.

The Trade hall closed at 3pm, then Maurizio had his last panel. Again I sat and wrote, watching his luggage. We went back to the hotel around five, before people started flooding out of Messukeskus after the closing ceremony.

Dinner was at the Viking restaurant Harald that I had seen the previous afternoon… With Maurizio Manzieri, Fulvio Gatti, Judith Herman, Mary A. Truzillo and her husband Geoffrey A. Landis… one of the few highlights of the Worldcon!

Along with the fact that I collected 15 ribbons against the 2 of Chicon and only 1 of Loncon! 😀 Have a great week!

Sunday Surprise

Since it’s easier to post to Facebook than wriring a real post on WordPress from a phone, please head for my Facebook page (link in sidebar) for a preview of Worldcon.

Did l mention it’s easier to use Facebook mobile? 😉 Real report coming next week as promised! 🙂

Happy Sunday! 😁

EDIT as you can see it’s so hard, that l can’t even schedule for the right day… So HAPPY SATURDAY! 😁

Writer Wednesday

Worldcon Schedule!

This morning I’ll be visiting Suomenlinna, then I’ll head for Messukeskus to get my Worldcon passes and bus passes and whatnot. The first programme is at noon and we’re supposed to be there by then – after the Suomenlinna Tour, I mean. You can check the full programme here.

I have a panel tonight at 9pm Finnish time, in case you’re around the convention. My next panel is tomorrow at 6pm and on Friday you can find me in the Creators Alley, Table N4, with some paperbacks, flyers and cards. I’m getting rid of old editions (for example glossy cover vs. the new matte cover) – the text hasn’t changed – and proofs at discounted prices. Feel free to come and chat me up! 🙂

I may also go to some Walk with the Stars, but I’ll improvise… I’ll also have to have a closer look at the programme to find panels that interest me!

And Friday night I’ll try to see the meteor shower from this latitude! 🙂 Or maybe it’s Saturday, who knows… I asked the guide of whe walking tour where could be a good place to see it, and she pointed at the Observatory, but also some other sikret place I shall share only with who will come with me, LOL!

And Saturday I’ll be doing the Strange and Unusual Helsinki Tour

Want a tour in Helsinki out of the ordinary? Imagine in one day entering a weird museum where everything is for sale, eating in a viking restaurant, walking past kids park where everything is painted black and having a drink in multicoloured Bollywood bar. And more! A fluent English-speaking guide with a humorous touch, who knows the wacky side of Helsinki, will take you to a tour you will never forget!

I got her email, and there’s more to this than that… looking forward to it! 😉 and I’m easily recognizable this time… even if you see me from my backside! 😀

I shall report next week… That’s all for today! Have a great week!