Wednesday Weekly Roundup

Last week I managed 11K+ alternating between writing, research and the chores… and had a taste of what it will be like when I won’t have to go to work every morning. Then this week I went back to the office, and we just lost a beloved colleague (now retired), whom we called Sharon Stone’s Twin because they were born on the same day/month/year. I had lost track of him through the years, but I still remember when we went to watch him at the theater (he was also an actor), and even that I wanted to shoot a short movie with him while I was attempting the conquest of Hollywood (almost 20 years ago now – where did time go?).

Anyhow, it’s April, and of course there’s a new title out! 🙂 Daywalker was the reason for all my travels last year – or most of them. It starts in Romania, which I visited first, then goes through Budapest and Vienna, which I visited second, then to Italy and France, which I already know, so I didn’t have to visit them. I asked my Hungarian friend to check the Budapest part, and she gave wonderful advice.

Then I went to Madrid, but I needed that for another story (it’s a novella) about a secondary character in Daywalker, and soon I’ll be heading back to France to write another story about another secondary character, so you can have a wider view of these European vampire hunters’ wanderings. Both stories will come out after the summer, and then I might make a box set. It will be a very-mini-series, though!

Now I shall go back to my sci-fi, at least until the end of the month… have a great week!

Wednesday Weekly Roundup

Last week I wrote less than 2K in three days, and spent the rest of the week editing and formatting and publishing and deciding what to write next. I’m going to continue with sci-fi for the month of April, so I can write all the ideas I have as of now, and then I can go back to fantasy.

It will actually be Urban Fantasy, because next title, Daywalker, has two attached novellas – but I still have to write the second one. Meanwhile here’s your final reminder for the Urban Fantasy Kickstarter. It ends tomorrow, so this is your last chance to back it and reach the stretch goal and have Daywalker included in the rewards.

Spring is here, but sometimes mornings are really cold – and then it’s too hot already at lunchtime when I go home. Working on getting rid of that part-time day job that forces me to stand in the heat waiting for buses which are always late! 🙂

And that’s all for today… wishing you a Happy Easter if you celebrate it, and have a great week!

Wednesday Weekly Roundup

Last week I wrote almost 4K and I’m almost done with that story as well. I got an idea for a comic and I might go back to high fantasy earlier than expected, but we’ll see. I also got back the translation of Magical Friends so the beginning of April might be a little busy, fulfilling the Kickstarter and publishing two books (one in Italian and one in English).

Speaking of the Kickstarter, it not only has funded, but it’s headed for the stretch goal… Have you checked it out yet? I even added some pretty covers! Only one more week, and then it will be gone! 🙂

Or you can grab only the latest title, Granny Witches, on your favorite retailer! I have updated the Urban Fantasy page on the publisher’s site as well. The one at the bottom is still to be written, but it’s going to happen in May for sure! 🙂

The IASFA promo is about to begin, so don’t forget to subscribe. March 24-28, 2024 – Fantasy Short Stories, including three of mine. And happy reading (have you checked my Bookbub recommendations as well?)!

That’s all for today… Have a great week!

Wednesday Weekly Roundup

Last week I wrote almost 10K and finished the second book. This week I might take a few days to go through the first and second book one last time before starting on the third and last of the publishing challenge.

And it’s March, so of course there’s a new title out! You can either find it at the usual retailers, or back the Kickstarter and get 6 other books to go with it! 😉 Check it out!

A couple of posts by Kris Rusch on the Findaway debacle (part 1 and part 2). Check also the comments, they’re worth reading! I’m still in the queue to get my final payment and the account deletion, but I guess they’re a little backlogged!

Now I better go back to my revisions or new book or whatever I’ll be doing today… have a great week!

Wednesday Weekly Roundup

Last week I skipped a couple of days of writing for both life rolls and struggling with formatting. The new laptop seems to have trouble interacting with the old one, so I had to redo two PDF interiors (and then two covers when I uploaded them to KDP, because the writing on the spine was too big – I took it out, since it’s thin paperbacks.

So I ended up with a little over 7K, which is not bad at all. I hope to finish this book by the end of the month, but if it bleeds into February, I won’t berate myself. I should still be able to complete the three books I need to send to Mighty Editor by the end of April for the last quarter of my publishing challenge (one is ready, I mean, edited).

Did you subscribe to the IASFA yet? One more day for that awesome promo of Urban Fantasy books… including one of mine. Check it out! I’m not sure when the next one will be (that I participate in, I mean, you get the full calendar on the above link), so don’t miss it.

Onward to another busy week… I was hoping for a creative weekend, but my friend has some health problems so we have to postpone to February, sigh. But this might mean that I have the author copies of the Italian strips when we meet, yay!

Back to reading and writing and whatnot… have a great week!

Wednesday Weekly Roundup

Last week I wrote a little over 5K – again some trouble between stories, I lost a full day trying to find the entry point to the next story, sigh. And Sunday was creative weekend, so I spent it mostly drawing, although not on the strip yet.

I prepared a few things for next year, since I will soon get a new laptop, so I’m using the old one while I can, especially to prepare videos for Kickstarter, since it still runs Windows Movie Maker. I don’t look forward to learning the new Windows video program (I tried it once on the writing netbook, but I wasn’t very happy with it).

Anyhow, I probably won’t throw the old laptop away just yet, especially since I have no idea when Techie Bro will set it up and allow me to start using it and the ne XP-pen tablet I got last Christmas, but hopefully next year I’ll be up and running! 🙂

Not much else is going on… hoping to increase the writing wordcount this week, I wish you a wonderful week!

Wednesday Weekly Roundup

I know I said I wouldn’t post this week, and I don’t have any writerly news or wordcounts for you, but I wanted to talk about the Kickstarter That Didn’t Fund. As you lovely readers of this blog know, it was an experiment. The good thing was that 15 people backed it and that’s my favorite number above 10.

The funny thing was watching the countdown and getting Kickstarter’s email about not funding, and then writing the update for those lovely backers. I had to beg my superbacker not to throw in the funding money at the last minute like they did with my first Kickstarter, because that wasn’t the point of the experiment. Funding, I mean.

I tried a Kickstarter hashtag (namely Witchstarter) to see if that would help. I got plenty of offers to help me find more backers by people who had backed ZERO Kickstarters (I reported them as spam except the one who sent an email which I ignored) – I mean if I couldn’t get m friends to help me spread the word about it, why would perfect strangers bother?

There were even a couple of people who asked if it was my first Kickstarter when it’s plain out there on the campaign itself. Sigh. Anyhow, this made me rething my strategy, and I’ll do better next time. As for the Granny Witches, they shall be back next year, so stay tuned!

Wednesday Weekly Roundup

Last week I wrote almost 13K on the new project. It’s probably going to be a novella, since I doubt it will reach 40K. but that’s fine. I’m wrapping it this week for next year publication.

After this project and a couple more short story assignments, I’m probably taking the rest of the year off to translate Magical Friends into Italian, so it will be ready for the comic cons next year along with the brand new pocket Italian edition of Silvery Earth Kids.

Although I may finish early and write a few more words before the end of the year. And I will try to concentrate on longer works next year, to avoid all that procrastination. I’m also going to slow down the publishing, meaning I’m not going to publish two titles a month like I did in the past. 12 titles a year are more than enough for now.

And there’s a new title out! British Shadows is a standalone book in the Ghost Bus Riders series, so if you don’t want to read a trilogy, you can have a taste of it through this novel. When I went to London last June, I even “met” Rupert – a guy who looks just like the character – getting off the District Line at West Brompton with me! 😉

You know when you check your public transport app and it says the bus is coming but none appear? You just missed the ghost bus to Elsewhere, where creatures of myth and legend are real and the Elementals rule. Only half-bloods can see the ghost bus and use it to keep the world safe from dangerous creatures trying to trespass in our technological present.

When Daniel sees a Wild Hunt in Richmond Park, he knows something is wrong. A half-blood with an Elemental father and magic at his fingertips, he must actively fight to keep London a safe place.

Rupert and Jessica join him in the fight against the Shadows, a thrilling ride of magic and monsters who sometimes look very human indeed.

An exciting urban fantasy standalone book in the Ghost Bus Riders universe, running parallel to the trilogy.

I got the email from Amazon saying we can now schedule print books, so we can order author copies before it goes live. It’s something I stopped doing after Amazon bought CreateSpace, and I haven’t done it for this latest title, but it’s a good thing and I might use it in the future. You catch so many typo fairies on the paperback, it’s unbelievable!

And my Kickstarter is still on for another couple of weeks… check it out! Have a great week!

Wednesday Weekly Roundup

Last week I wrote 13.4K words and finished two stories, yay! This week I’m back to DayJob, so I’ll probably have less time to write, but I sure hope to write at least another short story if not two. Currently it’s Urban Fantasy, then I’ll get back to sci-fi, which is what I wrote last week.

And this reminds me that if you missed the storybundle including it, now Crones is available everywhere! Go check it and meet another granny witch, after the one you met in Witches… what do you mean I didn’t get that one either? Gee! Let it be known that there will be more granny witches coming soon! 😀

I’ve also done some cleaning up of the publisher’s page. Now the strip has only the English version and includes merch (the calendar is already for 2024, so get it now!). The Italian version is currently in re-publishing state in a different format, so it will be in another page along with the new strip that I want to take to comic cons next year. So go check those Silvery Earth Kids! 🙂

And that’s all for now! I better go back to writing, since yesterday I was busy all day with stuff that had nothing to do with writing (sigh)! Have a great week!

Wednesday Weekly Roundup

Last week I wrote almost 8K and two short stories. Now everything is with Mighty Editor, and this week I probably won’t be writing much. Lots of publishing stuff to do. Also, since I’m prepping Italian versions of the various strips that I intend to take to comic cons next year all over Italy, I decided I will translate the novels that go with them – namely Adventurer and Magical Friends, and possibly also Chasing Stardom – since they’re currently only in English.

So with the translations, I probably won’t write many new words and will have an all-time low in wordcount since I started keeping track. I also wasted a lot of time with all those shorts. Writing longer works means more words, because I procrastinate before I start a lot. But I hope to get done with shorts by the end of the year so in 2024 I can hit those 500K and in 2025 I can hopefully hit pulp speed! 🙂

Meanwhile, did you see the cover reveal on the publisher’s site? That’s the upcoming titles for the year while I’m busy with translations and another novel or two. I still have a few short stories to write for a couple of workshops with no deadline, but I want to get rid of them now, so next year I can start writing more.

And did you get your Space Opera Sisterhood bundle yet? One more week and it’s gone forever! Now I better get back to my formatting and translating and writing and re-reading and whatnot… I found more typos while checking a paperback, those pesky little buggers always find a way in, don’t they? Have a great week!