Sunday Surprise

And it’s the last guest of the year! From the West Coast of the U.S. of A. please welcome Melania Tolan!

Where do you live and write from?

Portland, Oregon, USA

Why do you write?

Good Question… to clear my head, therapy, keep sane, because I love it!

When did you start writing?

Over ten years ago, when my husband told me to start writing all the crazy stories in my head instead of telling them to him. And then he bought me a laptop.

What genre(s) do you write?

Urban Fantasy mostly, but have some contemporary NA romance in the works.

What does your writing routine consist of?

Oh boy, I wish I had a better routine. Mostly, I write when I can as I’m a mother and also work a full-time non-writing job. Either I get up around 3-4am in the morning, work-out for 15 min, make Irish Breakfast tea, and then write for an hour before I have to get my daughter up for school and start my other job. OR I wait about 30 minutes after my daughter goes to bed and write until 9pm.

What do you feel are your strengths as a writer? How have you developed these qualities?

I think my biggest strength is world-building, at least this is what I’ve heard from the editors I’ve worked with and reader’s feedback. I see these fantastic worlds and beautiful creatures in my head like a live 3d movie and then I have to know why does this place exist? When I write, I feel like I’m there and I’ve developed this ability by practice, practice, practice. Before I published my first fantasy short story three years ago, I’d already written over 1 million words.

Where do you find your inspiration? Do you put yourself in your stories?

Nature is my muse. Whenever I get stuck in a plot or feel like I’ve written myself into a corner, I go hiking or outside for a walk. The fresh air clears my head and the increased blood flow to my head which helps me work through story and get it back on track. Plus I live in the Pacific Northwest where the hiking is pretty spectacular.

My other source of inspiration is movies. I love fantasy movies like Lord of the Rings or Underworld, but then I can binge on Hallmark movies all weekend too.

Outliner or improviser? Fast or slow writer?

I have tried to outline, but still end up improvising. Part of the joy of writing for me is figuring out what is going to happen next while I’m writing. If I know too much ahead of time, it kills the story for me. And my writing speed is relative. I get about 3-4 books written in a year, which for some that seems insane while others think that is too slow.

Tell us about your latest book

The Witch’s Sword is book 4 in the Silver Witch Chronicles. In this book, Everly Greene must complete her final mission, retrieving a magical sword that once belonged to an elven princess. She travels into the dangerous Otherworld where she faces elves who have other ideas. She is an abomination which they must kill and their magic is FAR more powerful…

Indie publishing or traditional publishing – and why?

Indie all the way. I want to be able to control when the books come out, the covers, the contents, and the pricing. Also I love working independently and not being pressured by a publisher’s deadline.

Any other projects in the pipeline?

Book 5! I’m currently writing the yet to be titled final book in the Silver Witch Chronicles and hoping to get it out in April of 2020. Then I have another witch trilogy coming late Fall 2020, with a couple of projects in between.

What is your goal as a writer and what are you doing to achieve it?

My goal is to write better stories that have all the feels and the way I achieve this is by reading books with stories that I love and writing more. I’ve taken so many classes on craft and read craft books, but really the best way I learn is by doing. The more I write the better I get.

What is the best piece of writing advice you’ve ever been given?

Like the Nike logo says “Just Do It!” Seriously, though… stop talking about writing and how great this story idea is that you have, sit your butt down and write it. It’s not going to be perfect, but keep writing.


Find Melania online




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Sunday Surprise

And it’s another guest! Cheerful, busy holidays on this side of the pond, don’t we? But this guest is from the other side of the Atlantic pond – or is it an ocean? Anyhow, ladies and gentlemen please welcome J.L. Hendricks!

Where do you live and write from?

I live in Southern California, near Disneyland and write from home. On occasion I have been known to head out to a Starbucks to write. I just got back from a month in Edinburgh Scotland and I wrote at a small café there called, Café Florentin.

Why do you write?

Because there isn’t another way to get those pesky voices out of my head. LOL Actually, I always have stories bandying about in my head and writing is the best way to explore those stories and see where the characters take me.

When did you start writing?

I started writing early 2016 and published my first book in April of 2016.

What genre(s) do you write?

I like to bounce around. I have written Clean Scifi Romance, Clean Paranormal Romance, Clean Urban Fantasy, and now I’m starting on Clean and Wholesome Cowboy Romance.

What does your writing routine consist of?

I wake up early, like about 5am get coffee, read my bible, and then get started writing. I get to write for about 3 hours before I have to start my part time job of assisting other authors with their author business.

What do you feel are your strengths as a writer? How have you developed these qualities?

I write clean books, which we don’t see enough of. And I like to write them in fun genre’s that are usually full of not-clean books. LOL And I feel that I come up with some really fun and lighthearted stories. When I read a book I do it to escape. So what I write is something that I would like to read when I’m trying to escape the serious nature of life.

Where do you find your inspiration? Do you put yourself in your stories?

Inspiration comes from all around. I love to people watch, which can lead me to making up stories about the people I see, and then that situations that I made up may end up in a future book. This year I’ve traveled to Edinburgh twice and that city as well as some other places in Scotland will be making a lot of appearances in my Urban Fantasy books for 2020. I also have a super secret romance about a couple who meet in Scotland. I can’t wait until I can find the time in my schedule to write that one out. Edinburgh provided probably 2 years worth of inspiration, maybe even more.

Outliner or improviser? Fast or slow writer?

I do tend to write slow overall. I can times when I can’t keep up with my mind, because the story is just pumping out. But I also like to do a very loose outline, more like a few pages of beats. Then I let the characters and story tell me where to go.

Tell us about your latest book

My latest book will be published Dec 26th. It’s the first in my new pen name, Jenna Hendricks. It’s set in Montana in a small town and it’s surrounding ranches. This is a clean and wholesome cowboy romance with a kick. (pun intended) LOL

If you like no-nonsense cowgirls, clean stories, and heartwarming attractions, then you’ll adore this contemporary Christian cowboy romance.

Second Chance Ranch is the first book in the touching Triple J Ranch contemporary Christian cowboy romance series.

Indie publishing or traditional publishing – and why?

Indie publishing because at first I had no way to even approach the traditional market. Now, I’ve learned that unless you are Nora Roberts, you’re going to make very little. Most Trad Published authors have to work full-time jobs in order to make ends meat. I’m getting closer to supporting myself by self-publishing.

Any other projects in the pipeline?

Yes, there is an urban fantasy series that will publish sometime in the first half of 2020. It’s going to be a trilogy and I want the entire series completely finished and edited before publishing it so I can do the rapid release approach with it.

What is your goal as a writer and what are you doing to achieve it?

My goal is work full time as an author and support myself. I don’t have to be rich, just make enough to pay my bills and put a little bit away for retirement. Basically, replace what I was making when I worked in Corporate America.

I am constantly looking at new ways to market as well as changing up what I’m writing based on what the readers want. I still want to write something that I’m proud of, but I have to mix that with what can sell.

What is the best piece of writing advice you’ve ever been given?

Learn from my failures, re-evaluate and come back with something new.


A Ritual of Fire: An FBI Dragon Shifter Adventure (The FBI Dragon Chronicles Book 1)


Author Central


Writer Wednesday

In the past week I poured out another 13K or so, but I’m still under 350K for the year’s total. One more reason next year to concentrate on writing and see if at the third attempt I can reach that goal of 500K a year! 🙂

Of those 13K I had to downsize them to under 12K because it’s a submission. I don’t think I could have made it a full novel, so I just compacted it into a shorter work to submit next year. I will need some feedback and fact-checking before I send it out.

In case you missed it, there’s a Christmas gift from the fine folks at WMG Publishing. I can vouch for their online (and offline) workshops, since I’ve done many and already have 2 on my Teachable dashboard.

If next year you want it to be The Year of Writing Madly like I am, please take this lecture


it’s free if you hurry and get the coupon before January 22nd.

I might also experiment with old titles and see if I can pull off the illustrated books for adults feat. Print only special editions of novellas or shorter novels. Because I also like beautiful books, but I’m not sure yet how I can produce what I have in mind. I may have to actually publish those in 2019, since I need time to gather the inside artworks (or make them)! 🙂 Comics and art books (or books with art) are still better in print (along with non-fiction).

I will also put marketing on hold to see how the new Facebook algorithms affect authors and what happens on BookBub and Instafreebie. Also how to make a more effective newsletter, to find more subscribers and spread Brand Barb around the interwebs.

I shall conclude with the Smart Author Podcast notes on the Indie Author Manifesto (also a 30minutes podcast). And here’s the original inphographic for you!

Writer Wednesday

Aaand… UPB has a new tagline, with special thanks to webmaster and illustrator Silvano Beltramo! Stay tuned for more changes on the publisher’s page

I might have to renew some of my own things soon, since the other day Open Office crashed without saving the few paragraphs of the new story… so I’m eyeing Netbooks, since they seem to be around again. When Techie Bro’s Netbook (a.k.a. the Writing Computer) broke, I was left without and after the other day I had gone back to write longhand for Draft Zero! I was so mad at the darn Laptop!

Still have to think if I want to move on to Windows 10 or get a Netbook with Ubuntu like Techie Bro’s. We’ll see. Might be an investment for next year. Just another thing to do on the To Do list, haha! But it’s not a “should” it’s a “want to” do thing, since it’s for the Writer.

Because yes, we need to have two hats. And I’m putting the publisher’s hat a little aside next year, because I want to write and find other income sources that don’t depend on me selling or not selling my writing. So, more submissions to traditional mags of short stories, and less of that darn publishing stuff.

Of course I’ll keep putting the works out, since it’s the only way to be discovered, but maybe at a less daunting pace (twice a month is a lot, even for a prolific writer like me). I’m going to try pre-orders in a different way from what I’ve done now, I’m going to try that branding thing with future titles and I’m going to keep experimenting and see what works for me.

And I must talk about bundles again because, guess what? SALES SALES SALES! 🙂

Da vampires bundle is discounted from tomorrow to Cyber Monday, wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving. And First Glimpse of Secondary Worlds is discounted until the end of the month, when it will be gone forever. So last chances to have a taste of 12 different fantasy worlds from 11 awesome authors and yours truly.

And in case you missed it, on the KWL blog I explain how to be a curator at BundleRabbit. Now I’m going to spend the weekend with online workshops so I can move on with my learning and write the next story! 🙂 Have a great week!

Sunday Surprise

And it’s a Sci-fi July author! We even were in the same bundle last year! And I met him on the Oregon Coast this year! Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Blaze Ward!

Where do you live and write from?

     “West of the Mountains, WA” USA

Why do you write?

     How do you make it stop?

When did you start writing?

     As long as I’ve had words. Professionally, about four years ago.

What genre(s) do you write?

    Primarily SF. Plus Fantasy, superhero, modern crime, and Post-apocalyptic-distopian-cowboy-stories

What is your goal as a writer and what are you doing to achieve it?

     Be the most successful writer nobody has ever heard of. (See Taupin, B.)

What is the best piece of writing advice you’ve ever been given?

     They only win if you stop.

Outliner or improviser? Fast or slow writer?

     I write into dimly-lit hallways, so I know where it starts, and roughly where it ends, and let the characters and the story direct me. Fast writer, but not as fast as Dean. 400k/year the last 2 years.

Tell us more about your book in the bundle

     I wanted to do something new for me and for a lot of what I’ve read. Hard SF archaeology, without gods, magic, or anything else. Focused on one person struggling to overcome her demons, and what it would really be like, exploring a potentially-hostile world.

Tell us about your latest book

     Flight of the Blackbird  5th of the Jessica Keller series. Epic Military Space Opera.

Any other projects in the pipeline?

     I will publish at least one thing on the 10th of every month for at least three years after I’d dead. Publishing four Science Officer books (5-8) this year, plus superhero stories and the cowboy collection.

Web page
Author Central


Writer Wednesday

Mmm, still working on Quests 4 between assignments and other deadlines… but don’t worry, it will be sent out on time to Mighty Editor on the 23rd and will come out in March. In February I will publish Quests volume 1 which will include the Path of Water and the Path of Air and will also have the paperback version.

The newsletter went out with the free PDF that eventually will be available also on the publisher’s website. Still pondering about Patreon and rewards and all that stuff, but my brain is half-frozen, so I’m not very quick-thinking at the moment.

I realized I did the characters interview only for Quests 1, so I’ll soon publish Quests 2 and 3 character interviews! 😉 If you’re an author and would like to be interviewed or have your characters interviewed, drop me a line…

Only now did I find the time to look for the results of the Indie Author Survey I did last year… interesting as usual. Yes, Indie Publishing is a pot of gold for some (especially whoever writes romance, which I don’t, unfortunately) and a work in progress for most of the others – like me.

Also, Sunday is the last day to vote for the Golden Book Awards that include yours truly, so… go and vote if you haven’t already! 🙂

And another good news – both my web pages are mobile friendly! Check yours with this article

mobilefriendlyThat’s all for today! Have a great week! 😀

Writer Wednesday

So, the small&medium publishers fair is over, and I’m sorta kinda bummed. In my blissful ignorance I hadn’t realized there are Italian indie authors who earn a living in SFF. Sigh. Now I feel waaaay behind in my publishing history, but I’m also aware this is the beginning of phase 2, so…

As soon as my least favorite month of the year ends, I hope to be strong and determined enough to make plans for phase 2, because I freely admit that currently I don’t feel like I can tackle the next five years of indie publishing. Must be end of the year blues or this very bad year for the world or whatnot.

Anyhow, still pounding out wordcount, and then I’ll have to check how the year went, so I’ll have another bout of depression, LOL! By February I’ll have recovered and be ready to move on. I still have stories to publish that I wrote this year, but I plan to publish less next year anyway.

Upcoming temporary sale – Kobo only! December 40% Off Sale Dec 15 2016 – Dec 19 2016 on Kaylyn the Sister-in-Darkness! Here’s to finding a few more readers on Kobo and that the person(s) who found me on Apple back in October will go back for the i-bookstore for the Holidays! 😉

And if you need books to read for the Holidays or want to gift some ebooks to friends, StoryBundle still has three great bundles also for your writer friends:

NaNoWriMo Bundle (for writers)!
Leading Ladies Fantasy (for fantasy lovers looking for strong female characters – this ends really soon, so grab it today)!
Immerse or die (indie authors that grab the reader)!

And more bundle galore at BundleRabbit as well:Fabulous Familiars and here’s a list of all the other available bundles! Yes, even on your favorite retailer!

Oh, and let’s not forget planners for writers. I have used the Writing World planners for the past 2 years, but I wasn’t totally happy with the 2016 version. So I might try this version instead – or just do without in Phase 2! 😉

I’m hopeless with widgets… the sidebar allowed you to subscribe to the newsletter but didn’t go directly to MailChimp, therefore you won’t be able to claim the free story for subscribing… So for you who signed up through the previous form, please do so again here, or click on the image on the sidebar. Sorry about that.

Last but not least – indie authors Golden Book Awards. The first phase is free, and feel free to pay the fee if you get to the finals. Enter your books here and/or vote for the entries. I have added a couple of mine… but vote for whoever you want! 🙂

Now I better go finish the previous bundles and the paper book I’ve started… Reading year coming soon… Have a great week!

Writer Wednesday

Sales… nobody took advantage of it (except Tori, thank you for the review), but it’s been on my author of the month thread all this time. You can have Rajveer the Vampire 50% off at Smashwords – Coupon Code: JH97Z – Expires: December 2, 2015. Not many days left, so get it now.

Also, to celebrate the new cover by Cristina Fabris, I’m putting Kilig & Hakeem at 50% off until the same day. Coupon Code: KQ83V – Expires: December 2, 2015. In December I will do a Smashwords-only sale with 50% off selected titles… stay tuned for the list! 🙂 It will be mostly m/m titles, so if that’s what you come here for, come back next week.

By the way, I did the catalog for Unicorn Productions, you can download a free PDF on the homepage. I will soon go to the shop to have it printed on thicker paper to take to the English bookshop(s) here in Rome, and if I manage to get them books, I’ll try to send the printed catalog to the US bookstores, starting with the ones I know on the Oregon coast. Since I plan on doing more PODs in January, this might take some time and a few updates before I actually go with it! 😉

A couple of posts on writing for the market – not! Just don’t. Hear it from two people who have been in the market since before you were born. Dean Wesley Smith and Kristine Kathryn Rusch. Write what you love, what you want to read. Like Fairytales Revisited as m/m romance, if that’s your fancy right now! *stares into the mirror with a big grin*

When I’m done with those 3 I have in mind (well, Beautiful is out, currently writing the Snow White one, then I’ll have the Cinderella Man), I’ll move on to something else. Try to write that contemporary story that is meant to be written, finish the other longer contemporary story I have put in a drawer back in September, maybe write that Star Minds story with aliens on Earth, or maybe who knows. I haven’t decided what I’ll write next year yet (besides the two vampire historicals and finish the fairytales revisited, I mean)! 🙂

And if you’re looking for places to promote yourself or your books, here’s a list. I’m currently going through it, looking for places where I or my characters could show up. And as you can see in the comments, you can also contact me – I welcome guest authors from all backgrounds and all fiction genres! 🙂

That’s all for today! Have a great week! 😀

Random Friday

Hi guys,

I’m Samantha and I come from another world – the original, old Silvery Earth, where people are immortal and never grow up. When I’m not switching bodies at will, I travel to other universes, especially books or movies. That’s how I met Rajveer the vampire, for example!

So, I’m taking over the interviews on this blog! And here I am, meeting people from other books/universes/whatever! Hello there. Tell me a little about yourself.

Marden – just Marden now. I’m about 30 years of age and well, my past is a bit shameful. For years I was a Witch-Hunter, a killer of mages and adepts. I killed for my duty, because I thought I was correct in doing so, because it was the law. I asked too few questions and believed too many easy answers. Now that man is dead. Now I am Marden, captain of the Tremellic Militia.

Mmm, witch-hunter… maybe I should turn you into a toad! *winks* Describe your appearance in ten words or less.

Human, sandy hair, a few scars on my face.

Do you have an enemy or nemesis? If so, who are they and how did they become an enemy?

That’s an interesting question, I used to think my enemy was magic and its users. I used to believe many lies. Now, well now I know better. I suppose my enemies now are the Order of Witch-Hunters.

You’ve just earned a few point! Now I actually like you! *grins* Would you kill for those you love? And would you die for them?

I thought I could not kill for someone I loved. I killed for duty – which is not the same, but now, yes I could kill for someone for whom I care. And I have.

Would I die? Yes, yes I would. A man can give his life for many reasons – the love or respect of another is not an unworthy death.

Wise man. Where do you live?

I live in Harkenen in the Tremellic Valley, before that I was raised in a small village by the Silver Sea and moved around quite a bit as a soldier.

Are you involved in a relationship? If so, with who and what is it about them that you find appealing?

It’s complicated. Let’s just say there is a woman. Whether it’s a relationship – that is hard to say. It’s not love, for either of us. Duty perhaps, guilt perhaps, but not love.

Interesting! What is the biggest challenge you face in the story?

Surviving. Finding out I’m not the man I thought I was. Finding the truth is not what it seems. Reality was quite a shock, I can tell you.

Do you have a family? Tell me about them.

I have a son. He’s a treasure and I don’t deserve him. Other than that I don’t. Not anymore. My brother was killed in a riding accident. He was always reckless. My parents? My father – well I think he still lives. I can never go home. I can never see my mother’s face again. It would be too dangerous. To them I am dead.

You have a son? What about the son’s mother? Never mind… Please give me an interesting and unusual fact about yourself.

I almost got eaten by a giant snake. Then I ate the snake.

Cool! What 2 or 3 questions do you wish I’d asked and what are your answers to them?

Why did I embark on my adventure?

Money, glory, duty, honour.

Where did I find the answer to a question I didn’t even know I was asking myself? A bridge of ice in a storm from hell. I had two choices – one would have been easy and resulted in promotion, renown and money; the other would mean probable death, and exile if I survived. I do not regret the choice I made.

Wow… I’m impressed. But here we have someone else! Hello, there! Tell me a little about yourself!

Commander Hendrick, of the Order of Witch-Hunters. I am forty. I command many cohorts of men.

Ooh, tough man. Describe your appearance in ten words or less.

Brown hair, human, well built.

I imagine the “well built” comes from years of weapon training… What is your role in the story?

I am a Witch-Hunter. It is my right, and my duty to uphold the law of Erana. I hunt mages, the filthy scum who pollute our land with their magic, and elves who bring the Plague. Elves must know their place or be taught it. Elves are nothing but slaves, they cannot be trusted.

If I destroy Lord Archos, if I find this elven city full of riches my career is assured. I’ll make High Commander and I’ll rid the land of its blight.

And I sure hope you fail! *glares* What is your relationship with the protagonist(s)?

He is my man. He works for me.

Where do you live(world/town/whatever)?

I live at the fort, but I have a home elsewhere. I am a very busy man, so do not see it much.

Are you involved in a relationship? If so, with who and what is it about them that you find appealing?

No. My career is my mistress. If I want a tumble, I take one. If there is a comely elf or mage brought in, she is mine to do with as I please.

*snorts* I had guessed that much What is the biggest challenge you face in the story?

Policing Erana is always a challenge. My biggest challenge? I could hardly tell many of my superiors or men about this elven city, if it didn’t exist or they failed to find it I would look a bloody fool. The Lord of Tremellic is no threat to me. He is just a mage, he will fall to magebane.

Do you have a moral code?

I do my duty. I uphold the martial law and protect the ordinary citizens, what is more honourable than that? I do no steal, I have no need to. I hang thieves.

Please give me an interesting and unusual fact about yourself.

I don’t like cats.

Meow! What 2 or 3 questions do you wish I’d asked and what are your answers to them?

Why is magic illegal? Because the elves and mages brought war, they brought Plague and almost destroyed us all. Magic is dangerous – it must be eradicated.

Why do I think Lord Archos has not been challenged before? Because like many nobles he pays bribes. Certain members of the Order are not above bribery. He hides in his valley and thinks he is safe. Because the Order is undermanned. Because he has friends. I will find them.


Book 2 EbookBook(s) in which the characters appears and links

The Stolen Tower – The Light Beyond the Storm Chronicles Book II

The Shining Citadel – The Light Beyond the Storm Chronicles –Book II

Who rules in this game of intrigue where magic is forbidden and elves enslaved? Journey where beliefs shatter like glass, truth is unwelcome and monsters from ancient times abound: share the romance and revenge, magic and passion, and the wages of greed in a world of darkest fantasy. (Please note the 18+ rating.)

Available as an e-book in all the Amazon Stores, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, Apple, and the Smashwords associate stores, and in print on Amazon.

Available as a paperback on Amazon and Createspace.

Author Bio:

A. L. Butcher is the British author of the Light Beyond the Storm Chronicles fantasy series, and several short stories in the fantasy and fantasy romance genres.  She is an avid reader and creator of worlds, a poet and a dreamer. When she is grounded in the real world she likes science, natural history, history and monkeys. Her work has been described as ‘dark and gritty’ and her poetry as evocative.





Sunday Surprise

sog advertAnd it’s a guest! And an old friend, since her first interview came out with her first book that I loved (and it came out before more famous shades of gray was published – and it’s a completely different genre!)! So, here we are again, almost five years later, another six books for a great series I keep recommending whenever someone asks me. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome back fellow indie author and beta swapper Joleene Naylor!

Where do you live and write from?

We recently moved back to southwest Iowa, which is where I grew up at it. There are things I miss about southern Missouri, like the warmth, but there are things I’m enjoying. Like autumn was much autumn-ier here. The change of location hasn’t had any impact on my writing, except that the moving and house renovations put me behind.

Why do you write?

Hmmm. Everyone asks this question and I usually give one of the standard answers, but the truth is I don’t know. I took a writing break for a few years and I got back into it because I wanted to join a Harry Potter fan fiction/role play group. Then I started the vampire series because I wanted to write something dark…I guess I write because I can.

When did you start writing?

I used to write “books” when I was a kid, which went into my teenage and early adult years. (I have several novels stacked up in notebooks) but as I mentioned above I quit for a while and it was the Harry Potter Fans Around the Globe Yahoo group that got me going again. Wow, looking back on it those first few posts were terrible! It just shows if you don’t use it, you lose it.

CoL advert1What genre(s) do you write?

Speculative fiction. I have vampire series Amaranthine, but I have been considering doing a second fantasy series on the side if I ever get time, and then there is the meg project I have with a co-author. We may never finish it but by God we’ve made a go at it.

What does your writing routine consist of?

I need a routine, but alas it’s all very random. Everything I do is random. Sometimes I think a schedule would be great, but I never manage to stick to one.

What do you feel are your strengths as a writer? How have you developed these qualities?

I’m good at torturing characters. I’d actually like to torture them more than I do, but I try to stay lower key. I think that’s why the unpublished Patrick prequel had issues from beta readers – because I torture him a LOT.

Where do you find your inspiration? Do you put yourself in your stories?

This is where I am supposed to tell you about all the vampire series I read, but truth is I’m bad and I don’t. Most of my inspiration comes from anime. I’d love to see the Amaranthine series as anime or manga.

Outliner or improviser? Fast or slow writer?

Improviser most of the time. If I do an outline I feel like I’ve already written the book. And I’m slow. Mind numbingly slow. Probably because I lack that writing routine…

CoL for amazonTell us about your latest book

Clash of Legends is the seventh book in the series. It’s the end of a story arc and wraps up a lot of things that readers have been waiting for. Or I hope they’ve been waiting for it. For new readers, it could be read as a standalone if you don’t want to invest in six previous books.

The explosive seventh installment in the Amaranthine series brings blood, ruin, despair, and hope, for even in the darkest night there is still a moon.

After the battle in Indonesia. Katelina wakes in Samael’s domain. Though her memories are tattered, she knows someone is missing: Jorick.

Her vampire lover gathers an army to save her from the ancient, but his master Malick interferes. For five hundred years Malick has manipulated and ruined Jorick’s life. When he leaves Katelina broken and bleeding in the bowels of his oasis, it’s the final straw.

While Malick sets up his glorious war with a living legend, Jorick plans the ultimate taboo: to kill his master. He’s tried before and failed. Will this be different, or will he and Katelina be crushed in the carnage of a greater battle, between two whose blood goes back millennia?


amazon –

B&N –

smashwords –

apple –

kobo –

Indie publishing or traditional publishing – and why?

Indie. I like to control everything, and this way I can.

Any other projects in the pipeline?

I’m planning to rework that Patrick sequel I mentioned and give it away to people on my mailing list (you can sign up at ), There’s a short story collection I’d like to finish (Tales of the Executioners), and then the eighth book, of course. There are some people who think I should quit the series after the next book because it’s too many books for one series. What do you think?

What is your goal as a writer and what are you doing to achieve it?

I’m going to be honest again. I don’t ever expect to make a living from my books – it was hard before and is only getting harder. Many traditionally published authors don’t make a living wage, and there are even fewer indies who do. I just want to know that there are people who enjoy my stories. Sure, I’d like there to be hundreds, but you know what? When I had seven fans I was happy, too. So as long as people are enjoying it I’ll keep plugging along.

What is the best piece of writing advice you’ve ever been given?

That’s a tough question. I guess the best is to never give up and not to expect too much. Having goals is great, but none of us will be the next Stephen King just by putting a book on Smashwords. Be realistic, and then work towards whatever your goal is, whether it is to be the next Stephen King or just to entertain people.

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