Random Friday

So, it’s official, even WordPress says so: 200followersI won’t repost the poll for the late-comers, if you want, just scroll down and vote. Sunday I will reveal what you’ll get. And because it’s a Surprise, I’m not saying more at this time – I already spoiled half of it! šŸ˜‰ But maybe you were wondering when I’d post something about that poll, so now you know, tune back on Sunday.

By the way, thanks to the old and new visitors, March had as many visits as January (February had slightly less, due to the shorter month). Thank you for stopping by. Or subscribing to this blog. For whatever reason brings you.

If you’re on Goodreads, you might be panicking right now, because of the Amazon/Goodreads deal. I know at least 3 of my GR groups are fretting about the changes this would bring to GR and whatnot. I think it’s early to panic. Like David Gaughran said, Amazon bought Shelfari and IMDB and didn’t really change them. Even Hugh Howey thinks it’s a good thing for both readers and writers.

Personally, I use Goodreads more as a reader (even if I’m a GR Author and Librarian), and sometimes I do reviews on GR and not anywhere else, because GR allows you to edit your review, while Smashwords (for example) doesn’t. So especially if it’s an indie author (again, if I can give him/her at least 3 stars, otherwise I won’t add it to my books) I might review it only on GR, so I can revise my review if the author uploads a new version of his e-book.

As for Amazon, it has 9 different sites that don’t seem to talk to each other, so unless I’m sure the author is American and would love a review on Amazon.com, I won’t bother. I try to review everything I buy on Smashwords because there’s that friendly reminder to leave a review – but again, if I feel I want to be able to change my review, I won’t do it and ignore the prompt.

And for whoever wonders what’s Apple doing while Amazon buys Goodreads… well, it’s teaming with DeviantART. First the musicians, now the artists… Apple is gobbling another kind of creative people. The Zon wants books, Apple gets everything else! We’ll see if that feature really works. At the moment I have uploaded Fleur de Lys 1, but only on DriveThruComics as usual, as I didn’t like the preview on KDP, so I gave up trying to put it on other sites. But I do want to expand my comics distribution, so I’ll keep an eye on DA/Madfire Motion Books (whatever that means).

Some fun with vintage social networking, which incidentally goes very well with Joe Konrath’s post about Obsolete Anonymous! šŸ™‚ I must admit I still have lots of those vintage social networking and obsolete anonymous (namely, LPs, 45s, CDs and even VHS I can’t watch because the VCR is broken, LOL!)… but then, I’m a known technophobe and luddite for many things! šŸ˜€ Handwriting anyone? Why do schools still bother to teach children handwriting when they’ll move to keyboards and touch screens as soon as they can? šŸ˜‰

Oh, and if you’re a lonely artist looking for your soul mate (I’m not, I like being lonely – but then, I’m mostly a writer and a lone wolf, haha), you can now join DeviantHeart… I wish they did a matching site for writers/artists, not soulmates. Although I’m tired to fight with artists who first say they want to work with me and then change their minds. I’m only a half-artist, so how can I understand them? Sigh…

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1 Comment

  1. I’d join a site that matched up writers/artists as friends, not romantic partners. That would be a nice change. Alas, it’s all about the romance.
