Writer Wednesday

In case you didn’t notice, it’s Read an Ebook Week on Smashwords again! And for the first time in a few years, I have some books in the sale. So the new people can have a look and spend as little as one dollar to try my mighty prose.

Ahem! Just kidding. I don’t write enchanting (or purple) prose at all, so if that’s your thing, you’re on the wrong blog! πŸ˜€

Last week I wrapped two projects and this week I won’t be writing much. Busy putting together an anthology and traveling, so my wordcound is currently stopped. But if I manage to catch up and keep the 10K/week wordcount, I have 2 weeks to spare, LOL! Definitely not panicking yet – maybe in June or July if I’m still waaay behind…

Some promised writerly links: Nine years a Penmonkey and Five Things I Learned Writing which includes just write even if you don’t know the genre – or something. And if you can stand the F-word, the three truth about writing and how the writing gets done! πŸ™‚ There is real wisdom in that post.

Now as someone who hates the sound of her own voice, I’m afraid that soon I won’t be able to do anything if it all gets voice-operated. What do you think about those voice apps? Should we start telling stories through them? Check this post at Joanna Penn’s blog.

For me, at this time, no thank you. I still feel like an innovator because I went the indie route. And I still don’t have anything in audio (I don’t seem to be able to go direct to Findaway Voices through D2D, but I’m not going to press the issue yet).

Last but not least, here’s an open invitation to interview your characters. I’m currently working for the first interview of a few I can think of, and I’ll keep you posted when my characters will go live! πŸ™‚

That’s all for today! Have a great week! πŸ™‚

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  1. I’m glad you took the opportunity for those interviews. I’ve had my characters interviewed on there in the past, and plan to do so again in the future.

    I saw your post about being in the Smashwords sale, and shared it when I saw it. The only book I’ve enrolled in the read an eBook week sale is my new release. I popped on to add it as soon as it was live this morning, so people can have the chance at getting it cheaper for the first few days it’s out. I didn’t bother listing any of my other titles this time around.

    I don’t plan to do any stories through the voice apps. It’s a fun idea, perhaps, but not something I plan to get involved with any time soon. Besides, they need to work out a few issues with how voice recognition software often struggles to understand what people are saying first. At least, from what I’ve seen testing out the Google Home and Alexa things (my parents have them, and conveniently for me, one has one version, the other has the other version, so I was able to test them both out during my trip to Wales).

    Liked by 1 person

    • I hear you. I won’t do any experiments this year anyway. I want to just write for a year! πŸ˜‰ But I do keep an eye on what’s out there, just so I don’t come out again in 2019 and have no idea of what’s going on, LOL!
      So far, nothing. Site-wide sales obviously don’t work anymore. Ah, well, was worth a try… with so many new people following the blog! πŸ˜‰


  2. Good call. It’s hard enough ckeeping up with what’s going on in the world, without hiding away for a year. πŸ˜‰

    I sold a copy of my new book in the sale, so it wasn’t a total loss for me. They don’t work like they used to though, that’s for sure. But, hey, it costs nothing but a few moments of time to try, so… *Shrugs*


    • Been better throughout the week, just one title, though. Ah, well, like you say, it’s free to try! πŸ˜‰
