Writer Wednesday

So, how was the (long) weekend? My highlight was Monday, when I got to work on the body switch! πŸ™‚ And finished struggling with formatting Fleur de Lys – final verdict is: a PDF for all sites, at least the lettering is big enough to be readable. Couldn’t create a decent mobi file neither with Calibre nor with Mobypocket Creator. On my Kindle it looked bad – either too small or one blank page between panels. I also have the word.doc version for Smashwords and I managed to keep it under 5MB. Meh.

cosmopolitan_cover KolianSo, this week’s writing will include more body switch and hopefully Star Minds 3 as soon as I get it back from Mighty Editor. It’s April, so this month’s writing goal is to jot down those Star Minds Snippets – some “recycled” from flashbacks I’ve taken out of Technological Angel, other totally new. I’m very excited to go back to the Milky Way and it’s varied Star Nations. I’m afraid out planet won’t be featured much (except in Kol-ian’s story), but I don’t think anyone will miss a short story that tells what happens to Mark – the Londonner who meets Maela in 1982, not the shortened version of Gaurishankar’s brother’s name (Markandeya). But if any of my 3 readers wants it, just ask – it won’t be a priority, though!

I want to tell Ker-ris’s wedding, and M’aera S’iva’s story and Gaurishankar and Noelia, and Mya Lylestar joining the galaxy police. And Maela’s story before Dadina’s birth. And then Kol-ian’s stay on Earth, of course! πŸ™‚ Star Minds 3 should be out next week, so you can prepare for these new stories that will come out later in the year. They’re prequels to the series and if they’re short enough, I might post the first draft on this blog.

Now, to other writerly stuff. If you really really really think you need an agent in 2013, check Dean Wesley Smith’s post first – he does it every six months, and this time he tells you if and when you need one. And if you find yourself in Hugh Howey‘s position, make sure to ask him his agent’s name – and don’t forget the IP attorney! πŸ™‚

I wish I could do like Joe Konrath – except I don’t have his numbers. And in spite of the date (March 31) I think this is Joe’s April’s Fool. Still, words of wisdom hidden there. If you’re smart enough to read between the lines! πŸ˜‰ Or maybe we should all flood the Big 6’s mailboxes with our queries… especially Simon&Schuster! Check Kris Rusch’s post on the logic behind self publishing for more on the S&S vs. B&N war…

David Farland on writing for fun and profit. And Matt Haig’s 30 things that every writer should know – from a UK perspective. That’s all folks! Have a great week!

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  1. That’s an excellent portrait, but I’ve said that before. Went through Joe Konrath’s post. He’s so obviously April-fooling around that I had difficulty accepting some of the comments there. People do comment without reading. I’ll check out “writing for fun and profit” – I understand the fun part of it though πŸ™‚


    • Pity that artist hasn’t reply to my email for another painting this year. Meh. Will have to do with mine…
      I think people were fooled by the fact Joe K posted on March 31 – or simply, there are people who don’t think before commenting! πŸ˜€


      • Nobody in his right mind would take their books off the shelf if they were making money and the reasons given were full of cracks πŸ™‚
