blogging… five months later

I’ll postpone my writing rants for a day to concentrate again on blogging. It’s writing anyway, although not fiction, right? I’m not sure I already mentioned this, but I have two blogs, one in Italian (my mother tongue) and one in English (this one).

The Italian blog opened one month after the English one, but already has more hits. I think it’s because a) Italians don’t have anything better to do and are very nosy by their very nature and b) there are less Italian bloggers than English ones – if only by sheer numbers (there are millions more English speakers in the world if you include the people who use it as a second language like me).

So I’m still trying to figure out how to match the stats of the Italian one with this blog – sort of. My friends and relatives will never read the English blog because 90% can’t speak English. But then 90% of them don’t bother reading the Italian blog either, so I guess I have to find my readership on my own.

I did find a few very nice people (other bloggers) through tag surfing or because they commented on my blog posts,  then I found this post and read it (skipped the comments, though, there were already too many – it had made the WordPress Frontpage after all! 😉 with great interest. Some things I already do, others I might start doing.

Then I found this other post, again about those damn stats, and will probably follow some of that advice as well. Thing is… I’m improvising this year, I’m not really sure what this blog is about. Well, writing, of course, and world creation and my projects and struggles to get through.

I know I want to use this technology available to me, even if I’m technophobe most of the time, and I’m still trying to figure out the best way of doing it. I wanted to have my web-page about my adventure-fantasy world, but still haven’t even started it, in spite of finding useful tips for doing it myself (I do have computer-savvy friends who could help me anyway).

I’m not lazy, I’m overwhelmed by all the things I could do, and can’t manage to make a priority list to actually do them – because I also keep writing and drawing (and going to my day job in the mornings) and the day lasts only those waking hours (I’m a sloth when it comes to sleep…).

Sigh. I’ll close this post with an article for writers, just because this is a writer’s blog, so I guess I can add a little help for my fellow writers out there. I got this link from a member of my writers group (thanks, Anna!). Enjoy.

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