vocabulary question

As I said, English is not my mother tongue. I can easily do with my big vocabulary and some online translators (+ the Merriam-Webster online among my favorite bookmarks), but sometimes I really don’t know how to adapt/translate things.

In this case a single word: suitor (following definitions copied from the Merrian-Webster)

1 : one that petitions or entreats
2 : a party to a suit at law
3 : one who courts a woman or seeks to marry her
4 : one who seeks to take over a business

My use is n.3 – except it’s women who are after a most wanted bachelor (rich noble handsome and whatnot, he’s not a prince charming, but very close, know what I mean?). Do I still use “suitor” or is there a specific word?

Thank you for your help… have a Happy Holiday Season and keep writing! 😀

I’ll end this post with the most funny post I’ve read so far – and quite interesting as well. I mean it DOES teach you how NOT to write a query letter! Please go to this blog. Enjoy!

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  1. Hi Barb,

    I hope you are doing well during this holiday season.

    I think the female form of suitor would be suitress.

    According to the definition at Dictionary.com:


    Suit”ress\, n. A female supplicant. –Rowe.

    I hope this helps.

    Mickey Mills


  2. Thank you, Mickey! On the Merriam Webster I couldn’t find it…
    Merry Christmas!
