Writer Wednesday

Trying to get into the new writing schedule that is supposed to concentrate the writing in a couple of hours per day and leave the rest of the procrastination – I mean, the rest of the publishing and social media out of it. I also set up a spreadsheet for Team Wordcount (two people is still a team, right?) to keep track of new words written.

I started keeping count in 2015 when I reported weekly to a list. I did the same in 2016. And then last year I decided to just keep count, report here once a month, and that was it. And I wrote even less than the previous years. So this year I’m reporting again to my teammate and we cheer each other onward.

I have completed one short story of the intended few and working on the second. Both will be sent out next month after a pass by Mighty Proofreader, just in case! πŸ˜‰ It was so hard to get started on this one (unrelated to any of my series, so some worldbuilding to do) that I was considering keeping those shorter ideas as fillers when I’m done with the novel of the month, LOL!

Anyhow, we’ll see how this week proceeds. Now some writerly links! πŸ™‚

An article about Amazon that says it’s updated, but it doesn’t look updated to me. The top 10 things all authors should know about Amazon doesn’t seem to consider the birth of KU/KDP Select and the demise of the Createspace store (and keeps calling the algorithms “logarithms”, but that’s another story, LOL!). But I agree with most of it – except I don’t seem to get any reviews. Meh.

And I certainly won’t give them exclusivity ever, especially since they keep messing up. I don’t know how any author can put up with that shit. New year, old problem and Mighty Zon does nothing to correct. I’m almost scared to do anything on there, and I’m wide! 😦 I even tried KDPprint, and deleted the book after a failed attempt. Back to Createspace for the time being.

And of course, like many out there, I hope one day to do like Tracy Cooper-Posey who went wide and quit her day job. You might remember her interview on this very blog for the bundle that is going away soon, so grab it before the weekend, since I’ll archive it on Saturday.

Yes, Sci-fi July is going away for good, but Remembering Warriors is now live and I’m still working on the Valentine bundle. And Mythic Tales will also go away at the end of the month, so grab it now! πŸ™‚

l got the most important cover (for a new titke, the other one is for a collection of published stories) by the awesome San and here you have a cover reveal!


Weekend formatting and upload, stay tuned… Have a great week! πŸ™‚ Oh, and Happy Birthday to Da Muse… here’s to hoping that his sabbatic year from Bollywood is over!! πŸ˜‰

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  1. It still takes teamwork for two people to work together, so logically it follows that two people is considered a team. πŸ˜‰

    You just made me glad I decided to stick with CreateSpace for paperback production. Thanks for testing that out for me. πŸ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

    • you’re welcome for the testing. KDP print doesn’t allow to order proofs, so I’ll just stick to CreateSpace. Besides, for us non-US, the expanded distribution is always a good thing. KDP print distributes only to Amazon… πŸ™‚


  2. Beautiful cover!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mm. I just realized it’s the old title of the shorter version… Will have to modify it before publication! 😁
